Mathematical Physics – How the Limit of Lorentzian Is Dirac Delta

dirac-delta-distributionsmathematical physicsregularization

I have a quick question that just came up in my research and I could not find an answer anywhere so I thought I'd try here.

So one of the definitions of the Dirac Delta is the limit of the Lorentzian function with $\epsilon$ going to zero. See here for the expression on the first page.

My question is, can I define the Dirac Delta just as well with this

$$\delta(t) ~=~ \lim_{\epsilon\rightarrow 0} \frac{1}{\pi}\frac{\epsilon^2}{\epsilon^2+t^2},$$

where I have included an extra $\epsilon$ in the numerator. My hunch is that this is no problem since the limiting behavior looks the same to me.

Best Answer

It looks like a delta-function. However, because $\epsilon / (\epsilon^2+t^2)$ - you should omit one $\epsilon$ in the numerator, to get the right integral equal to one, by the way - decreases too slowly as $|t|\to\infty$, as $1/t^2$, it will only work as the Dirac delta distribution for test functions that decrease at infinity or at least increase slower than as $O(t)$. If the test function is $t^2$, for example, the integral $$ \int_{-\infty}^\infty dt\,t^2\,\delta(t) $$ should yield 0 because $t^2=0$ for $t=0$. However, with your definition of the delta function, you will get a divergent answer because the infinite-range integral ultimately beats any $\epsilon$. For this reason, one usually wants approximations of delta functions that decrease faster at $|t|\to\infty$ than the Lorentzian.

Obviously, if you include one extra $\epsilon$, you get $\epsilon\cdot \delta(t) = 0$ regardless of details about the $|t|\to\infty$ behavior.

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