[Physics] Light’s inverse square law: Does it require a minimum distance from the source

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Does the inverse square law begin to take effect the moment light leaves its source? For example, does light's intensity decrease, i.e. does the area in which the photons might land increase, at a few millimeters from the source?

I happened to come across an article about emergency lights and photometry from a few decades ago that appears to answer in the negative:

"The minimum test distance in photometry of these sources is called the 'minimum inverse-square distance.' The illumination from the light source, measured at distances greater than this minimum, obeys the inverse-square law which is a necessary criterion for the determination of luminous intensity. […] The minimum inverse-square distance is determined by the type and size of the light source, lens, reflector, etc., and must be considered individually for each unit. If this distance is more than 100 meters (approximately 328 feet), a ranger larger than 100 meters must be used."

Source: Howett, et al. 1978. "Emergency vehicle warning lights: state of the art." USDC. NBS Special Publication 480-16.

Best Answer

As many have said, the inverse square law applies to point-sources. These are idealized light sources which are sufficiently small compared to the rest of the geometry that their size is of no importance. If a light source is larger, it is typically modeled as a collection of idealized light sources, potentially using integration. The exact definition of "sufficiently small" varies with application. The definition of a "point source" for astronomy is quite different from the definition of "point source" for a LCD projector.

There is actually a limit to this process. The inverse square law is only valid in its normal form if you are working on scales where light can be modeled purely as a wave. As you get very small, on the microscopic scales, those assumptions break down. You instead have to think about the statistical expectation of photons, which follows the statistical analogue of the inverse square law. Even smaller, and you start to enter the world of quantum mechanics, where you have to account for the actual waveforms of the objects under study.

Ignoring these corner cases, nearly all cases you find will have "sufficiently small" defined by macroscopic factors, like the sizes and locations of lenses. Its rare to find oneself in the world where the microscopic factors matter.

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