[Physics] LC circuit current


Suppose we have a fully charged capacitor and we connect it to an inductor.

Capacitor will discharge. Inductor will get the current from the capacitor. Wave form of the current shows that the current is oscillating.

It means that the current rises intially. But what makes me confuse is that when capacitor will discharge its voltage will become lesser and lesser and it causes decrease in current in the circuit. While at the same time the inductor voltage(opposite to capacitor voltage) also becomes lesser and lesser and it cause more current to flow in the circuit.

So less capacitor voltage makes the current less and less inductor voltage cause more current at the same time. Then what makes sure that current will initially rise and will then fall during the first half cycle of the oscillation ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It means that the current rises intially. But what makes me confuse is that when capacitor will discharge its voltage will become lesser and lesser and it causes decrease in current in the circuit.

It's true that the initially clock-wise current that discharges the capacitor is increasing at first and the reason for this is that the voltage across the inductor is initially positive (the top terminal of the inductor is more positive than the bottom terminal).

However, and in contrast to your statement quoted above, the current will continue to increase even as the voltage across the capacitor (and the inductor in parallel) decreases towards zero. As long as the voltage is positive, the current must be increasing. Why? It follows from the fundamental inductor equation:

$$v_L(t) = L \frac{di_L}{dt}$$

Since $L$ is a positive constant, a positive inductor voltage requires a positive rate of change of inductor current - positive voltage across implies increasing current through.

When the capacitor is fully discharged, the voltage across is zero and the current is maximum (the rate of change of current is zero at the maximum) but now the current begins to charge the capacitor 'in the opposite direction' and the voltage across becomes negative which implies a negative rate of change of inductor current.

In short, the current doesn't begin to decrease until the voltage across passes through zero and becomes negative.

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