[Physics] Kirchoff’s rules and inductance


Can Kirchoff's loop rule be applied in a scenario involving an inductor? Kirchoff's loop rule states that the closed loop integral of E dot dl is equal to zero. But, in a situation with an inductor, a changing magnetic flux is involved which means that the electric field is nonconservative and the closed loop integral of E dot dl is not zero. I watched MIT professor Walter Lewin's lectures on inductance and Faraday's law and he emphatically states that Kirchoff's loop rule cannot be used in this situation. Yet, most textbooks (University Physics, Giancoli, Berkeley Physics, etc.) use the loop rule anyways (setting the "voltage drop" across the inductor to be -L*di/dt and setting the sum of all the voltage drops to be zero). Now I am very confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

OK, in this video you've kindly provided me, Lewin essentially talks about this circuit:

enter image description here

The easy rule of thumb that's common to all electrical engineers is to say: a current $I$ goes through this loop, causing a voltage drop $R I$ across the resistor, a voltage drop $\int_0^t dt~I(t)/C$ across the capacitor (assuming it is uncharged at $t=0$), and a negative voltage drop $-L \frac{dI}{dt}$ across the inductor, which then by Kirchoff's rules must sum to 0.

Why is Lewin upset with these matters?

Lewin is saying that this last point of interpretation is essentially cheating, which we're totally allowed to do in physics; but he points out why it would be hella-confusing to a student with a very simple thought-experiment: imagine that the coil of wire which constitutes the inductor has zero resistance. Since it has zero resistance, an electric field therein cannot exist; it would move an infinite amount of current whereas we know that the current is finite: therefore the electric field inside the inductor's wire must be 0. So how can we speak of a voltage difference if the electric field is zero?! This is the challenge that Lewin doesn't want to push past. He wants his students to think "the electric field is the gradient of the electric potential, the electric field is for sure zero here, the potential therefore doesn't meet up as you go around this loop, but that's okay because Kirchoff's rule is wrong. And he gets quite passionate that this is the best way to view this, and then insists on using the "wrongness", which has a magnitude of $L~dI/dt,$ to analyze the system in place of a voltage.

But electrical engineers might fire back that we can just speak of an "effective voltage" across $L$ defined by connecting a potentiometer across the inductor -- you'll measure the given voltage! Easy-peasy. (We can't always use this method -- always when you're measuring, a potentiometer can interfere with the system that it's measuring, and we just assume in practice that this interference is small and that an "ideal" potentiometer solves this problem. But here it simplifies things.) And he'll say "yeah, but then you shoot your students in the foot because they run into this inductor which is a perfect conductor and they expect a changing electric field going through it, and then they complain to you about infinite currents! So they just have the idea that they don't understand how anything works! That's criminal. That's putting magic into your electrical engineering classroom."

How can a better understanding of physics solve this?

Well, let's put on our mathematician pants. It turns out that in general, $\vec E$ is not $-\nabla \phi$. So $\phi$ can vary across the wire while $\vec E$ is zero. This happens routinely when there are changing magnetic fields nearby.

The four Maxwell equations are (in SI units since I don't want to jar anyone too much):$$\begin{array}{ll} \nabla \cdot E = \rho/\epsilon_0 & \nabla \times E = - \dot B\\\nabla\cdot B = 0&\nabla\times B=\mu_0 J + \mu_0 \epsilon_0 \dot E\end{array}$$where $\dot X = \partial X/\partial t$. The bottom-left equation says that there are no magnetic charges (monopoles) like there are for the electric field above it (which is the generalization of Coulomb's law). In fact, it turns out to always guarantee that $B = \nabla\times A$ for some vector field $A$ commonly called the vector potential. So $B$ curls around some field lines of vector potential, which go "around the loop" with the wire in $L,$ forcing the $B$ to take a path through the loops.

Then the top-right Maxwell equation -- which is Faraday's law! -- actually says that $\nabla \times (E + \dot A) = 0$ so that we can for sure say that $E = -\dot A - \nabla \phi$ for some scalar potential $\phi$. These two quantities are not unique; there are "constants of integration": basically, if we add some $\nabla \psi$ to $A$ we for sure will preserve $B$, and we will also preserve $E$ if we simultaneously add $\dot\psi$ to $\phi$. This is called the "gauge freedom" for the system. Let's ignore that and just pretend that we've already solved this problem and chosen the "most obvious" $A$ and $\phi$, which probably means that $\dot A = 0$ or some such for these other wires and the $R$ and $C$ and $V(t)$ parts of the above circuit.

Well, now it makes total and complete sense to call $\phi$ the "voltage" and it corresponds to what you'll measure across the terminals of $L$ with a potentiometer (if you carefully make sure that $\dot A = 0$ along the potentiometer's loop). However, if $\dot A \ne 0$ then you can often have $E \ne -\nabla\phi.$ In fact, our equations say that $\dot A$ works basically like a second $E$ field as a source of voltage differences. In summary:

  • Kirchoff's laws work if you use "effective voltage," which is defined as a line integral of $E + \dot A$, where $A$ is the magnetic vector potential.
  • There turn out to be a lot of definitions of $A$ and therefore of $\phi$ but this probably doesn't matter much.
  • Inductors are cases where $\dot A = L \dot I,$ providing an effective voltage without an electric field.
  • You can still think of "electric potential" as "something which tends to causes electrons to flow," but with the caveat that they might not if the vector potential is changing appropriately so as to fight it.
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