[Physics] Kirchhoff’s laws, capacitor discharge, sign convention


Consider a circuit in which a resistor is connected to a charged capacitor which discharges over the resistor. In the textbook I'm using, following application of Kirchhoff's voltage law is used
where $V_R$ is the voltage across the resistor and $V_C$ is the voltage across the capacitor.

From my understanding, the equation should actually look like
since the voltage drop across the resistor is $+V_R$ and across the capacitor is $-V_C$.

Look at this sketch for clarification:

enter image description here

I don't understand why the signs must be the same.

Best Answer

I am putting what I have been saying in the comments into an answer.

Either way is correct as long as you stay consistent with the sign convention you have chosen. The reason the text book gives $V_R+V_C=0$ is because Kirchhoff's rule for potential drops in general is that $\Sigma V_i=0$ where $V_i$ is the change in potential of the $i$th circuit element as we travel around a loop.

Therefore, we can start with $V_R+V_C=0$ and then plug in the correct sign conventions based on how we travel around the loop. Since we are traveling against the flow of current, the potential change across the resistor is going to be $V_R=IR$, and since we are going from the positive to the negative terminal of the capacitor, $V_C=-\frac{Q}{C}.$ So we end up with $IR- \frac QC=0$.

Of course we can do it your way as well. We know the magnitude of the potential across the capacitor is $V_C=\frac QC$ and the magnitude of the potential across the resistor will be $V_R=IR$. Since we know around our loop we will gain potential from the resistor and lose potential from the capacitor, we can then write $V_R-V_C=0$ or $IR-\frac QC=0$.

So either way we end up with the same result. It all just depends on how we are defining the variables.