Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle – How Advanced Technologies Invalidate Non-Fundamental Limitations

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From what I understand, the uncertainty principle states that there is a fundamental natural limit to how accurately we can measure velocity and momentum at the same time. It's not a limit on equipment but just a natural phenomenon.

However, isn't this just an observational limit? There is a definite velocity and momentum, we just don't know it. As in, we can only know so much about the universe, but the universe still has definite characteristics.

Considering this, how do a wide range of quantum mechanical phenomena work? For example, quantum tunneling – its based on the fact that the position of the object is indefinite. But the position is definite, we just don't know it definitely. Or the famous light slot experiment? The creation of more light slots due to uncertainty of the photon's positions?

What I am basically asking is why is a limit on the observer, affecting the phenomenon he is observing? Isn't that equivalent to saying because we haven't seen Star X, it doesn't exist? It's limiting the definition of the universe to the limits of our observation!

Best Answer

Manishearth's answer is correct, and this is just a minor extension of it. Manishearth correctly points out that the problem is your statement:

There is a definine velocity and momentum, we just don't know it.

Your statement is the hidden variables idea, and courtesy of Bell's theorem we currently believe that hidden variables are impossible.

Take the example of a hydrogen atom, and ask what the position of the electron is. The problem is that properties like position are properties of particles. It doesn't make sense to ask what the position is unless there is a particle at that position. But the electron is not a particle. The question of what an electron really is may entertain philosophers, but for our purposes it's an excitation in a quantum field and as such doesn't have a position. If you interact with the electron, e.g. by firing another particle at it, you will find that the interaction between the particle and electron happens at a well defined position. We tend to think of that as the position of the electron, but really it isn't: it's the position of the interaction.

The uncertainty principle applies because it's not possible for an interaction, like our example of a colliding particle, to simultaneous measure the position and momentum exactly. So you're sort of correct when you say it's an observational limit, but it's a fundamental one.