[Physics] Ising model with metropolis algorithm around critical temperature


I'm trying to simulate Ising model using metropolis algorithm. Boundary conditions are periodic. I know how the algorithm works and I have written the code myself. Everything works as it should except around critical temperature.

I started my calculation at temperature T=8 (Boltzmann constant is 1). And then decreased the temperature in steps by 0.05. At T=2.35 I shortened the step to 0.005 till T=2.2 and after 2.2 the step was again 0.05. At each temperature I waited 15 million flips before I started sampling magnetization. Then I flipped the spins 25 million times and every 50th flip I sampled magnetization. This is necessary in order to have statistically uncorrelated samples. Btw, I am using Mersenne twister from gsl to generate random numbers.

Still around critical temperature the algorithm does not work good enough. Magnetization is jumping up and down. I don't really understand why that is, because I think I took enough samples to average out extremes. If someone can help me, I'll be really happy. Below are pictures of magnetization, susceptibility and specific heat.

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Best Answer

What you are observing is the critical slowdown - getting to the equilibrium near to the critical temperature is very hard because of huge fluctuations in the system.

Therefore, as you are not averaging over enough runs, it is no wonder that you are getting very large deviations from the (expected) average values. This problem is less severe for more sophisticated algorithms, e.g. the Wolff algorithm, as they allow for large (for example, nonlocal) differences of states in adjacent time steps.

There are many references on critical slowdown online; Googling for "critical slowdown ising" returns videos of lectures, lecture notes, as well as research papers.