[Physics] Is work done by sound wave on air particles


Is it possible for sound wave to do net work on air particles?
As in can a sound wave make the air move in one direction so that it can for example move a sail boat ?

I think since molecules gyrate about a mean position even though they are in the direction of wave propagation no net work is done but I want to confirm this idea.

Best Answer

actually i wanted to ask whether sound wave does work on the medium, air, itself. like raise its temperature or something ?

Yes. The main reason sound decreases in amplitude with distance is not due to absorption; it's because sound sources emit roughly spherical radiation and are subject to the inverse square law. So an ideal plane wave in an ideal atmosphere would not attenuate with distance, because it's not subject to inverse square law.

But sound is also absorbed by the air, so even a plane wave will slowly decrease in amplitude with distance. This means the sound energy is being turned into heat energy, and increasing the temperature of the air slightly. The amount of energy absorbed varies with humidity and affects high frequencies first:

Absorption of Sound in Air versus Humidity and Temperature

Damping of Air of High Frequencies

Damping of Air of High Frequencies (Dissipation)