[Physics] Is voltage difference always proportional to its derivative


We write, because of Ohm's law:
but also we have
From the first equation we deduce that $V\propto I$ and from the second $\dot V\propto I$. So we can conclude
$$V \propto \dot V.$$

Is this really true or I'm doing something wrong?

Best Answer

The identity $$ V = K \frac{dV}{dt} $$ is only guaranteed with a constant $K$ if your assumptions actually hold. The first identity $V=RI$ only holds for a resistor, while the other holds for a capacitor. So in this sense, the letters $V,I$ in these equations mean something else. In one of them, it's the current through (or voltage on) a particular resistor, in the other, it's the current from (or voltage on) a particular capacitor.

You may, however, make the letters $V$ mean the same thing in both equations and similarly for $I$ if you connect a capacitor and a resistor to a simple "circular" circuit. Then indeed, $V$ will be proportional to $dV/dt$, and the solution will be that the voltage will exponentially decrease with time $$ V(t) = V(0) \exp(-t/t_0) $$ as the initial charge held by the capacitor gets discharged through the resistor – where you may easily calculate the time constant $t_0$. I guess it's right to say that the answer to your question is that "it doesn't always hold, it holds for this particular simple resistor-capacitor circuit".