[Physics] Is true black possible


Black is the absence of light because it absorbs light, but when we create black paint or black objects, light is always reflected, either in all directions in matte or smoothly in shiny black objects, making it never a true black. Would it be possible to use polarization to create an object that does not reflect any light, creating a truly black substance, without any shadows or reflection of light?

Best Answer

The problem with the suggestion of using polarization is that you now have the reflections off the polarizers to contend with.

I think the short answer is "it depends on how 'black' you want it to be". "Truly black" = reflectance of 0. I am quite sure that is impossible - there will always be some probability of light scattering off a surface. All you can do is make that probability "quite small".

The world record for "blackness" appears to be held currently by Ventablack, a material with a special surface structure (nanotubes) that traps incident photons, and reflects less than 0.04 % of incident light. That is indeed very nearly black (but nowhere near "perfect"). Just look at this picture to get a sense of just how black that is. Of course if most cameras have 12 bit sensors, then one LSB is 1 part in 4000 - and 0.04% is 1 part in 2500. So indeed, this is almost invisibly black for a typical camera. Uncanny.

enter image description here

(Image from the above linked source).