[Physics] Is the work done by friction on an accelerating car zero


Consider a car is accelerating and its tires are not slipping ,just rolling.what is the force on the car that changes its kinetic energy? Some people say in the definition of work dw=F.dx that dx is the displacement of where the force is applied, so the work of friction on the car is zero becouse the down surface part of tires dont move with respect to road.is this correct? I think that work energy theorem states that the work of external forces on a body equls the change in the kinetic energy of center of mass,not where the force is applied.

please tell me if the work done by friction is zero,and our system is the car with its tires,which force cause the change in the kinetic energy of center of mass of the car?is its work zero?why? If zero how to justify work energy theorem?

(Be careful not to use the internal force for this theorem becouse best cars with best engines cant move on a sliding road like greasy road!the internal force cause if friction exist the care moves)

Best Answer

If the question is, "what work does the frictional force of the road do on the car?", then your original interpretation is correct. The road exerts a forward force on the car. This, combined with other forces acting (externally) on the car results in forward displacement of its center of mass, which counts as work.

The way you can show what you want to show is to first write the force balance equation on the car (including only external forces), and then dot the force balance with the instantaneous velocity vector of the center of mass of the car. This accounts for the translational kinetic energy of the car and will give you your work-energy equation immediately.