Quantum Mechanics – Is the Vacuum State a Coherent State?

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I'm asking because I got introduced to the state $|0\rangle$ as a fock-state. Nevertheless:
\hat{a} |0\rangle = 0 |0 \rangle
It is an eigenstate of $\hat{a}$ with eigenvalue $0$, and it can be obtained the same way any other coherent states are obtained via the displacement operator with parameter 0:
\hat{D}(\alpha=0)|0 \rangle = e^{0 \hat{a}^\dagger – 0 \hat{a}}|0\rangle = |0\rangle

Would one consider the vacuum state a coherent state?

Best Answer

The coherent state $\vert \alpha\rangle$ is just a vacuum state $\vert 0\rangle$ translated in $x$ and $p$ space so $\alpha=x_0+ip_0$. Thus the vacuum state is a coherent state that has not been displaced, i.e. $x_0=p_0=0$.

In fact, a nice way to see this is in the Wigner function formalism. The vacuum state is just a Gaussian sitting at the centre of $(x,p)$ space whereas a coherent state is the same state displaced to another point. This is illustrated in the figures below, taken from this site: on the left is the Wigner function of the vacuum state, and on the right that of a coherent state.

enter image description here enter image description here

Note also that the Wigner function for the coherent state is everywhere positive, and positivity of the Wigner function is sometimes taken as a marker of classicality so in this sense coherent states (and the vacuum state) are "classical states".

A short movie illustrating the time evolution of the Wigner function of a coherent state can be found on the coherent state wikipage; it shows the Wigner function does not deform and remains non-negative at all times Of course since the vacuum state is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian and lies at the centre of $(x,p)$, its Wigner function would actually remain there at all times.

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