[Physics] Is the Universe infinite or it’s just expanding to infinity


According to the WMAP data in the past years we can say that our universe is considered flat or at least nearly flat and we also know that flat universe is allowed to be both infinite or finite in size depending on his topology. Now my question is:

Considering the first case where is flat like an euclidean space (so I'm not talking about a hypothetical closed finite universe torus shaped universe) we can describe it infinite just because the fact that due his expansion nothing can ever reach a any kind of boundary traveling according to the laws of physics (i.e. the speed of light limit) or I am missing something else?

Can we just say that's growing to infinity in an infinite time? If someone could HYPOTHETICALLY see the "big picture " (i.e. the all amount of space created from the Big Bang at the same time ,so not considering other reference frames) will find out the the space is still finite?

I'm more interested in the way of reasoning that sits behind this if I'm wrong than in the answer itself.

Best Answer

have a read through Did the Big Bang happen at a point? as this provides important background.

If, as you say, you are considering only a simply connected universe, so it isn't finite due to its topology, then the assumption we make when solving Einstein's equations is that the universe is the same everywhere - the technical terms are isotropic and homogeneous. So the universe has been infinite for as long as it has existed. The expansion doesn't mean it is expanding into anything, it just means the distance between things in the universe is increasing with time.

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