Classical Mechanics – Is the Principle of Least Action a Boundary Value or Initial Condition Problem?

actionboundary conditionsclassical-mechanicslagrangian-formalismvariational-principle

Here is a question that's been bothering me since I was a sophomore in university, and should have probably asked before graduating:
In analytic (Lagrangian) mechanics, the derivation of the Euler-Lagrange equations from the principle of least action assumes that the start and end coordinates at the initial and final times are known. As a consequence, any variation on the physical path must vanish at its boundaries. This conveniently cancels out the contributions of the boundary terms after integration by parts, and setting the requirement for minimal action, we obtain the E.L. equations.

This is all nice and dandy, but our intention is finding the location of a particle at a time in the future, which we do not know a priori; after we derive any equations of motion for a system, we solve them by applying initial values instead of boundary conditions.

How are these two approaches consistent?

Best Answer

I) Initial value problems and boundary value problems are two different classes of questions that we can ask about Nature.

Example: To be concrete:

  1. an initial value problem could be to ask about the classical trajectory of a particle if the initial position $q_i$ and the initial velocity $v_i$ are given,

  2. while a boundary value problem could be to ask about the classical trajectory of a particle if the initial position $q_i$ and the final position $q_f$ are given (i.e. Dirichlet boundary conditions).

II) For boundary value problems, there are no teleology, because we are not deriving a (100 percent certain deterministic) prediction about the final state, but instead we are merely stating that if the final state is such and such, then we can derive such and such.

III) First let us discuss the classical case. Typically the evolution equations (also known as the equations of motion(eom), e.g. Newton's 2nd law) are known, and in particular they do not depend on whether we want to pose an initial value question or a boundary value question.

Let us assume that the eom can be derived from an action principle. (So if we happen to have forgotten the eom, we could always rederive them by doing the following side-calculation: Vary the action with fixed (but arbitrary) boundary values to determine the eom. The specific fixed values at the boundary doesn't matter because we only want to be reminded about the eom; not to determine an actual solution, e.g. a trajectory.)

IV) Next let us consider either an initial value problem or a boundary value problem, that we would like to solve.

Firstly, if we have an initial value problem, we can solve the eom directly with the given initial conditions. (It seems that this is where OP might want to set up a boundary value problem, but that would precisely be the side-calculation mentioned in section III, and it has nothing to do with the initial value problem at hand.)

Secondly, if we have a boundary value problem, there are two possibilities:

  1. We could solve the eom directly with the given boundary conditions.

  2. We could set up a variational problem using the given boundary conditions.

V) Finally, let us briefly mention the quantum case. If we would try to formulate the path integral

$$\int Dq ~e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S[q]}$$

as an initial value problem, we would face various problems:

  1. The concept of a classical path would be ill-defined. This is related to that the concept of the functional derivative $$\frac{\delta S[q]}{\delta q(t)}$$ would be ill-defined, basically because we cannot apply the usual integration-by-part trick when the (final) boundary terms do not vanish.

  2. To specify both the initial position $q_i$ and the initial velocity $v_i$ would violate the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

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