[Physics] Is the Fock state a superposition of product states

quantum mechanics

I know that in principle, the Fock state is not the same as a product state because if it were, the photons would be uncorrelated. What I don't understand is, can it be expanded in product states?

For example, if two photons share the same mode, is the state $|2,0\rangle$ the same as the product $|1,0\rangle|1,0\rangle$?

If they are in different modes, is the Fock state $|1,1\rangle$ the same as superposition of two Fock states, $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(|1_a,1_b\rangle+|1_b,1_a\rangle\right)$ (with $a$ and $b$ labeling the photons)?
If yes, then is this superposition, in turn, the same as $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(|1_a,1_b\rangle+|1_b,1_a\rangle\right)$ ?

Best Answer

There are many things to be clarified here.

First, you probably mean "tensor products". If you do, then it's important to distinguish "tensor product of states" and "tensor product of spaces". The Fock space is an infinite-dimensional (or at least multi-dimensional) harmonic oscillator and it is isomorphic to a tensor product of one-dimensional Fock spaces or harmonic oscillators.

However, the tensor product of states is not quite the same thing in the sense that the tensor product space is not composed of purely states that are tensor product states, products of elements from the original spaces. Instead, the tensor product space contains all conceivable linear combinations of the tensor products of the original states.

Now, $|2,0\rangle$ in which two particles are in the same mode is in no way equivalent to a tensor product of $|1,0\rangle$ with itself. By computing the tensor product, we are "extending the number of modes", so a tensor product $|1,0\rangle \otimes |1,0\rangle$ is always something of the form $|1,0,1,0\rangle$. In this 4-mode Hilbert space, the first and third mode may have the same properties, there may even be a symmetry between them, but they are not the same mode.

Concerning the last two questions, there is nothing that could be meaningfully called $$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (|1a,1b\rangle + |1b,1a\rangle) $$ whether or not you replace the commas by $\rangle |$ – which clearly shouldn't matter (it's just a different typographical convention). This expression of yours uses some completely inconsistent notation. You must first decide what properties $x,y$ of the state the symbol $|x,y\rangle$ denotes and you can't ever permute them. You failed to do so because $x$ sometimes refers to "the first photon" and sometimes to "the second photon", and so on. It just makes no sense.

You could choose an alternative multi-body notation in which the wave function may fail to be symmetric or antisymmetric. If you did so, $x$ would always correspond to the first photon and $y$ would always correspond to the second photon. In this notation, the state $|2,0\rangle$ in the occupation number basis would be written as $|\alpha,\alpha\rangle$ where $\alpha,\beta$ are the modes that had the occupation numbers $2,0$, respectively. No nontrivial superposition has to be constructed in this case to symmetrize the state because the state is already symmetric: the wave functions of both photons are $\alpha$, they are the same.

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