Spacetime – Is the Flow of Time Regular? Analyzing Temporal Regularity


Is the flow of time regular? How would we come to know if the our galaxy along with everything in it stops for a while(may be a century) w.r.t to the galaxies far beyond our reach. Is there a way to know if flow of time is smooth,or irregular?

PS I would describe myself as an illiterate physics enthusiast, so I hope you'll forgive me if my ignorance is borderline offensive.

Best Answer

Note: This answer addresses the question in its original form:

Is the flow of time regular? How would we come to know if the whole universe along with everything in it stops for a while(may be a century). Is there a way to know if flow of time is smooth,or irregular?

Flow with respect to what? Regular with respect to what?

How would we come to know if the whole universe along with everything in it stops for a while(may be a century)

A century as measured by what? If the "whole universe stops", what would "a while" mean? "a while" according to what? What would "stops for a century" mean?

If you think carefully about the premises of your question, you'll find that you're imagining a 'meta clock' that doesn't stop when you stipulate that everything 'stops' (stops according to what?) and by which one can judge the 'flow' of ordinary time. Closely examine that premise.

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