[Physics] Is the electrostatic field inside of any closed, uniformly charged surface zero


We know that a simple application of Gauss's law tells us that the field inside of a uniformly charged spherical shell is zero. Does this hold for all uniformly charged closed surfaces? If so, how could we prove this? Or does it hold only for certain shapes?

Best Answer

It doesn't hold for arbitrary shapes.

The reason it works for spheres is that when you have a spherical charge distribution and a concentric spherical Gaussian surface, the whole system is invariant under rotations around the center of the spheres. If the electric field were different at different points on the Gaussian sphere, you could rotate the whole system around to interchange points at which the electric field is different, thus obtaining a completely different electric field configuration from the same physical system. But that's not allowed; there is a uniqueness theorem that guarantees that one physical system can only have one electric field. So the field must be the same all around the Gaussian sphere. (Similar reasoning shows that it must be perpendicular to the Gaussian surface at all points.)

You can then use those facts to simplify the integral in Gauss's law:

$$\iint_{\mathcal{S}} \vec{E}\cdot\mathrm{d}^2\vec{A} = E\iint_{\mathcal{S}} \mathrm{d}^2 A = EA$$

Knowing that the product $EA$ is equal to the enclosed charge, which is zero, and that the area is nonzero, the only option is that $E = 0$.

But if the surface and the system don't have that symmetry, you can't use that argument. The integral in Gauss's law can't be simplified any further than $\iint_{\mathcal{S}} \vec{E}\cdot\mathrm{d}^2\vec{A}$, and thus you can't use the above reasoning to conclude that $E = 0$. In particular, the electric field can be pointing inward at some points inside the surface and outward at other points, such that the total flux is zero and Gauss's law is still satisfied.

For example, consider a surface like this:


There can be an arbitrarily small hole at the point where the spheres touch, to make it one continuous surface. Anyway, the electric field from this surface inside the larger sphere will be the contribution from the larger sphere, which is zero, plus the contribution from the smaller sphere, which is not zero.