Quantum Mechanics – Is the Born Rule a Fundamental Postulate?

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Is the Born rule a fundamental postulate of quantum mechanics, or can it be inferred from unitary evolution?

Best Answer

Strictly speaking, the Born rule cannot be derived from unitary evolution, furthermore, in some sense the Born rule and unitary evolution are mutually contradictory, as, in general, a definite outcome of measurement is impossible under unitary evolution - no measurement is ever final, as unitary evolution cannot produce irreversibility or turn a pure state into a mixture. However, in some cases, the Born rule can be derived from unitary evolution as an approximate result - see, e.g., the following outstanding work: http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.2138 (accepted for publication in Physics Reports). The authors show (based on a rigorously solvable model of measurements) that irreversibility of measurement process can emerge in the same way as irreversibility in statistical physics - the recurrence times become very long, infinite for all practical purposes, when the apparatus contains a very large number of particles. However, for a finite number of particles there are some violations of the Born rule (see, e.g., the above-mentioned work, p. 115).

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