Cosmology – Is Speed Relative to the Universe a Well-Defined Concept?

coordinate systemscosmologyobservable-universereference framesuniverse

Prompted by commenting on this question.

I offered the standard "Which frame of reference are you using? Yours? A satellite's? The sun's? The Milky Way's?" observation.

Which prompted me to think … Is there any sort of Absolute Universal (as in of-the-universe) Frame of Reference?

I suspect not, but I don't know enough Astrophysics/Cosmology to be confident.

  • If the Universe had an observable boundary, then it would necessarily have a Centre, which we could measure w.r.t., but my impression is that it doesn't? (Or at least that if it does it's outside the Observable Universe?)

  • And my broad understanding is that the expansion of the Universe doesn't have a central point … it's not expanding "away from a point" … everything is just expanding away from everything else uniformly?

Essentially is there any way to define a fixed "central" point of the universe that isn't either entirely arbitrary, or based solely on the Observable Universe (which I assume is centered on us?)

Best Answer

In standard cosmology, the answer to the bolded question is "yes", while the answer to the second one is "no".

There is a way to define an absolute reference frame, in that any observer can measure the dipole moment of CMB radiation and determine the velocity with which they are moving through it (see section 2.1 in this Planck paper, for example).

What this means is that the universe is not invariant with respect to Lorentz boosts, but it is (at large enough scales) invariant with respect to rotations and shifts, so there is no center or preferential direction to speak of.

The existence of this "preferential" frame does not invalidate the general principle of relativity --- physics can be described in other frames just as well if we do a coordinate transformation. However, this particular one is interesting in that we can unambiguously refer to it from anywhere in the universe.

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