[Physics] Is speed of light invariant in different inertial frame


Don't get angry at me. I believe in special relativity just as any scientist would.

But reading this article


I realize that actually I haven't done any experiments on my owns to test the invariance of the speed of light (not able to anyway).

There are some stories that the experiments's data had been "revised" so that they matched with the relativity's prediction.

I know it may sound meaningless or untrue, I want to know is there any trend or any action or any experiment in modern science that denies the invariance of the speed of light?

I THINK almost every physicists believe in the invariance of speed of light as people believe in God, since all the information about experiments just come from science journals (which, to some extent, can be manipulated).

Best Answer

To newcomers to relativity it seems to be based on the invariance of the speed of light. While this has some historic significance, these days we regard Lorentz invariance as the fundamental principle, and a constant speed of any massless particle is then just a consequence of Lorentz invariance.

So your question could, and should, be written as the equivalent question:

is there any trend or any action or any experiment in modern science that denies Lorentz invariance?

And the answer is that yes indeed, Lorentz invariance has been questioned many times and continues to be questioned. Rather than attempt a review here let me just point you to the Wikipedia page on the subject.

While various speculative theories suggest there many be small violations of Lorentz invariance under extreme conditions, you should note that Lorentz invariance is at the very worst expected to be an exceedingly accurate approximation. Quantum field theory is based on Lorentz invariance and it has been tested to extremely high accuracy.

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