[Physics] Is Navier-Stokes a turbulence model

fluid dynamicsmodelsnavier-stokes;turbulence

Is Navier-Stokes a turbulence model? If yes, what is the use of $k$$\omega$ turbulence model? If no, what does the Navier stokes equation got to do with the turbulence models?

Best Answer

The Navier-Stokes Equations are not a 'turbulence model', they are more fundamental than that: they are the fundamental equations that govern all of fluid dynamics (assuming the continuum assumption holds).

The phenomenon of turbulence is believed to be fully captured by the N-S equations, which can be seen from Direct Numerical Simulation of turbulence, which uses the unmodified N-S equations, without a turbulence model.

Turbulence models are separate physical models that are supplementary to the N-S equations, which allow the phenomenon of turbulence to be described more simply. There are two main reasons why they are used:

Firstly, fluid turbulence in reality operates on very small distance and time scales, which means that to simulate (e.g. with CFD) a fully turbulent flow, an impractically huge amount of computational resource would be required. Even with a modern supercomputer, the Direct Numerical Simulation mentioned above can only be performed for a volume of a few cubic millimeters. Turbulence models such as Large Eddy Simulation aim to make turbulent CFD more practical, by 'filtering out' the smaller turbulent eddies.

Secondly, quite often for industrial applications, Engineers don't care about the time-dependent properties of the turbulence. All they really need to know is the time-averaged behavior, in which case trying to simulate the turbulence would be a waste of time. Reynold's Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANS) are models that seek to model and solve only the time-averaged flow properties. The k-$\epsilon$ and k-$\omega$ turbulence models are ways of 'closing' the RANS equations, by modelling average quantities of the turbulence, such as turbulent kinetic energy (k) and turbulent energy dissipation ($\epsilon$).