[Physics] Is man-made Carbon Fusion possible


In a type Ia Supernova, the carbon accumulated in the earlier stages of a stars death fissues to create even heavier elements. Could this be used by humans aswell? Is it theoretically possible to build a Carbon Bomb?

This thread explains a bit about it; I guess these pressure values cannot even be achieved with a Hydrogen Bomb as a fuse?
In turn, could it be used for commercial reasons (in the far future, e.g. as spacecraft engine?)

Does anyone know further reference?

How much damage would such a bomb deal? (approximate scale of course, would it destroy our entire planet or just scratch my nose)

Best Answer

the ratio of energy to mass would arguably be lower than H-H or D-T fusion, so it would hardly be a preferred fusion reaction for space travel applications

For production purposes (be them energy, manufacture, etc.) we humans usually prefer more result (i.e: more energy output) as a result of less investment (i.e: less energy expenditure) to improve the efficiency of the conversion. As such, any fusion reaction for heavier elements will undoubtly be less energetic per dollar spent having it working, regardless if the purpose is weaponry, energy production or propulsion