[Physics] Is light getting another color when travelling through a prism


When white light travels through a prism the speed of this light is slowed down. Now there is a relation between speed of light, frequency and wavelength.

So when a red light of 700nm enters a prism it will slow down at 0,9c. So wavelength = speed / frequency. Now you can theoretically divide the changes. So 600nm = 0,9 / 0,0015 or you can have 800nm = 0,9 / 0,0011.

So the color in the prism can turns to 600nm or 800nm. Probably after leaving the prism the color gets back its original color.

But is it the case while travelling through the prism the color changes? Probably very tiny?

Best Answer

When light enters glass (or another transparent material), its frequency stays the same and its wavelength changes.

In a comment, you say that you are using "color" to mean "wavelength". Well, I think you are using the word "color" incorrectly. According to a normal definition of "color", the color of light does not change when it enters glass. But the wavelength does.

ADDENDUM: Color has to do with how light appears to you when you see it. You can't see light while it's in the prism, you only see it after it exits the prism and enters your eyeball. Yes, the wavelength changes when the light enters the prism, but it changes right back when it exits.

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