[Physics] Is it possible to whirl a point mass (attacted to a string) around in a horizontal circular motion *above* the hand


I'm studying circular motion and centripetal force in college currently and there is a very simple question but confuses me (our teacher doesn't know how to explain either :/), so I hope we can sort it out here ><
So I draw two pictures to show what I was thinking on it.


In pic 1 there is a hand rotating a ball attached to a piece of string in a circular motion, by free body diagram we can easily see that the net force produced by tension and gravity is centripetal force, and it towards to the center of the circle.

But in pic 2 as shown below

When the hand is below the ball, the net force is actually towards downwards, not to the center of the circle. How would that circular motion happen if this free body diagram doesn't make sense? Or is there any other force acting on it?

Best Answer

I think the answer is that the second diagram you drew won't happen. I just picked up a string and tried this. What happened is that the first diagram is easy. For the second, I have to twirl the string faster, and I can't quite get it to stay above my hand. The best I can do is to get the mass to swing in a plane almost even with my hand.

Note: it's a little difficult to do this fairly with your hand. When I tried it, I had a tendency to slightly adjust the plane of motion of the mass, so that it oscillated slightly. This was particularly bad when trying the second situation. If I didn't do that, the sting would hit one of my knuckles every time it passed. That's another indication that the plane of revolution is actually below my hand.

Your force diagrams are qualitatively correct. Gravity points down towards the floor, and the tension points along the string at some angle. It's easiest to break the tension into a vertical component (which will either add to or subtract from gravity), and a radial component, which lies in the plane of the ball's orbit and provides the centripetal force.

To be concrete, take $\theta$ to be the angle between the string and the vertical. The string hanging under just gravity means $\theta = 0$, and the ball orbiting in the horizontal plane is $\theta = 90^\circ$. You want the vertical component to cancel out gravity, so $w = T\cos{\theta}$. As you increase $\theta$, $\cos{\theta}$ decreases, so you have to increase $T$ to keep the vertical component balanced. The centripetal force is $F_c = T\sin{\theta}$, which increases both because you increased $\theta$ and because you increased $T$. The ball will then need to move faster to account for the increased centripetal force. I'll let you work out the actual details, but you should get that the ball will need to move infinitely fast to get to $\theta = 90^\circ$.

An illustration of the wobble effect I noticed is when cowboys attempt to lasso animals. You can watch this video starting at 1:20 to see this.