[Physics] Is it possible to surpass the diffraction limit for telescopes


Telescopes have angular diffraction limit depending on the observed wavelength and aperture diameter.

I've read that it's possible to go beyond the limit for microscopes. But is it possible to do the same for telescopes too?

Best Answer

Short answer - no, it wouldn't be possible to beat the diffraction limit with a telescope.

Longer answer - The way that microscopes get around the diffraction limit is by getting really close to what they're looking at, or into the near-field of the object. For visible light, this only exists within a couple of nanometres of the surface. The near-field contains information at all spatial frequencies (i.e. arbitrarily high resolution) but it decays away exponentially (like light in the cladding of an optical fibre or the wavefunction in the wall of a quantum well). Near-field microscopes beat the diffraction limit by converting the near-field into propagating light - into the far-field - where it can be detected and measured. The various forms of SNOM are probably the most obvious examples of this.

As telescopes can never get close to what they're looking at, the near-field will always be unavailable to them - in other words, they will only ever be using the far-field. This means that they can never gain information beyond the diffraction limit - they are fundamentally incapable of retrieving the lost information. This is also the reason that superlenses built with metamaterials won't work with telescopes - they work by amplifying the near-field.

The only ways I'm aware of for getting around the diffraction limit in the far-field is to pre-arm yourself with more information - either by cleverly structuring the light you use to take the picture, or to modify surface you're looking at with fluorescing dyes, neither of which are possible with a telescope. Maybe someone knows more though?

Fourier optics is the bit of physics that covers all the near-field/far-field information loss if you want to look in more detail.

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