[Physics] Is it possible to shield a camera so as to record from the inside of a running microwave oven


Would it be possible to create shielding for a camera, allowing it record food being cooked from the vantage point of the inside of a consumer microwave oven without the camera being damaged?

Wikipedia says a consumer oven usually uses 2.45 gigahertz (GHz)—a wavelength of 12.2 centimetres. So surely you could create some kind of cage around it which allows light to pass through to the lens but not allow microwaves?

Best Answer

The easiest solution is to use a fiber-optic camera, i.e. one with a fiber-optic connection between the front lens and the actual camera electronics. You can easily bend the fiber (but not too much!). You can now make a small hole in the microwave (smaller than the wavelength, insert the fiber. Bend the fiber and wrap it in aluminium foil. There will be little leakage through the hole, and the microwaves that do leak will be absorbed by the foil.