[Physics] Is it possible to make an electromagnet with two like ends

electromagnetismmagnetic fieldsmagnetic-monopoles

Is it possible to create an electromagnet with one continuous wire with 2 like poles (i.e. both ends either north or south)?.

Visualising it with the right hand screw rule for current carrying coils, it will be like the picture below, but one end of the coil will be as shown, while the other end of the electromagnet will be coiled in the other direction as dictated by the right hand screw rule pointing to the right, to give both extreme ends North, with 2 South pole ends in the middle.

Right hand grip rule coil

Right now in my head it seems possible to create this kind of electromagnet, given that i can find a way to keep the coils from messing up when a current passes through it.

Is this actually possible? What are some complications that you may foresee or ways to make it work if it can't?

Best Answer

If you want to use a single coil of wire, then you can begin by wrapping the wire one way and halfway through, U-bend the wire and begin wrapping the other way. As noted elsewhere in answers and comments the two halves will repel each other just like and two magnets in that situation, so don't amp up the power too much.