[Physics] Is it possible to 3D print a mirror to create a high quality telescope


Is it possible to 3D print a mirror with todays available materials?

If so, would there be a reduction in image quality?

Best Answer

The highest resolution 3d printers I know of are around 1600dpi, which is a resolution of about 15$\mu m$. Telescope mirrors have to be smooth to fractions of a wavelength of light, so the resolution of current printers is nowhere near good enough.

Whether 3D printers could one day be good enough is a different question, but given that the improvement in resolution required is at least a factor of 1,000 I think it's not likely because 3D printers are designed to address quick manufacture rather than precision manufacture. In any case, making mirrors is a well established procedure. The difficulty is making them large, and it's not obvious how 3D printers would help with this.

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