[Physics] Is it possible that Cauchy stress be asymmetric

continuum-mechanicsfluid dynamicsstress-energy-momentum-tensorstress-strainsymmetry

According to conservation of linear momentum and angular momentum, one can derive that Cauchy stress tensor is symmetric and hence has only 6 independent components. Is it possible that, when breaking one or both of conditions, Cauchy stress tensor is not symmetric?

Best Answer

The stress tensor needs not be symmetrical for complex fluids, i.e. fluids with a non-trivial microscopic structure. Nematic liquid crystals are an archetypal example of such materials.

Nematic liquid crystals are complex liquids that possess long-range order in molecular orientation. Think for example about solid rods in water. If the rods are dilute enough their orientation is isotropic and uncorrelated. But when the concentration of the rods increases above a certain critical concentration, the rods start to align and their orientation becomes correlated over macroscopic distances.

The reason why the stress tensor does not need to be symmetrical in this case is because of the local orientation, i.e. because the rod-like molecules have a direction. At equilibrium, all the molecules are aligned in the same direction. In a non-equilibrium situation where the direction of some molecules is not aligned, there must be additional torques trying to re-align these molecules parallel to their equilibrium orientation. These additional torques are exactly the asymmetrical contributions of the stress tensor.

To come back to your question, the symmetry of the Cauchy stress tensor follows from conservation of the angular momentum only if there are no such additional torques.

See e.g.: P.-G. de Gennes, The Physics of Liquid Crystals,