[Physics] Is it possible for the planets to align

celestial-mechanicsorbital-motionplanetssolar system

We've all heard the statement that on the 21st of December, the planets in the solar system will "align" from the point of view of the Earth. I assume this means that they would all be in the same spot in the sky if we looked from here. The theory says that the alignment of the planets will somehow exert some influence on the Earth which would bring varying levels of catastrophe, depending on who you ask.

Now, it has been said many times that this will not actually happen, and that even if it happened there would be no effect on the Earth whatsoever. I know that, and that's not the question.

What I'm wondering here if it is actually possible for the planets to align in this way, regardless of whether it'll actually happen. As far as I know, the planets' orbits aren't all in the same plane, so it doesn't seem even theoretically possible, i.e., there's no straight line passing through the orbits of all the planets. Am I right?

Best Answer

First, Mercury "aligns" with the ecliptic plane only twice in its "year", when it comes from above to below and vice versa.

Luckily for our calculations, Pluto is not a planet any longer, because it would completely rain on our parade with its 248 Earth years of orbital period and another two points within it that it crosses the plane again. Getting Pluto and Mercury aligned alone would take millennia.

Now, what do we count as "aligned"? This is a very vague term because it doesn't state any tolerances. If you mean discs of the planets overlapping, just forget it, their own minor deviations from the ecliptic plane will suffice that it will never ever happen. Let us assume a tolerance of one earth day of their movement. This is fairly generous, in case of Mercury it's over 4% tolerance of its total orbit radius, which considering their size on the sky is quite a lot - in case of all planets the distance traveled over one earth day far exceeds their diameter. So, we're not taking a total alignment, just one night where they are closest to each other, a pretty loose approximation.

Now, we pick the day the rest of the planets are on the plane as Mercury, so let us simply take the 2 in 88 days of its orbital period and continue dividing by orbital periods of other planets.

1 in (44 * 225 * 365 * 687 * 4332 * 10759 * 30799 * 60190) days. That is one day in $5.8 \cdot10^{23}$ years. The age of the universe is $1.375 \cdot 10^{10}$ years.

It means planets would align for one day in 42 trillion times the age of the universe.

I think it's a good enough approximation to say it is not possible, period.

Feel free to divide by 365, if you don't want aligned with the Sun but only with Earth. (one constraint removed.) It really doesn't change the conclusion.

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