[Physics] Is it correct to say that falling object are standing still


As I was browsing youtube I came across the BBC video "Brian Cox visits the world's biggest vacuum chamber – Human Universe: Episode 4 Preview – BBC Two"

He drops a bowling ball and a feather in a vacuum chamber and observes them hitting the ground at the same time. He then says: "The reason the bowling ball and the feather are falling together is because they are not falling, they are standing still, there is no force acting on them at all…"

This doesn't make any sense to me. I was under the impression and have always been taught that the gravitational force $\vec{F_g}=m\vec{g}$ is the force that "causes" objects to fall.

In addition, if there was no external force acting on the feather and the bowling ball then according to Newtons first law the object would remain in a state of rest (or uniform motion). Since the ball and the feather are being accelerated there must be a force acting on them.

What is going on here? Did he make a mistake or is my understanding of physics even worse than I though?

Best Answer

I would say Brian Cox is being too cryptic. He is stating what is known as the Principle of Equivalence. In pure general relativity, gravity is not a force. It is the curvature of spacetime causing objects to obey the geodesic equation. This is a geometrical feature: the geodesic equation has no mass dependence. In free fall, the objects are unaware of their acceleration. In their frame the objects are at rest with respect to the rest of the universe. I think he is just saying that objects at rest behave the same. It's definitely not how the EP is usually stated.

EDIT: The title of the question has changed. A falling object (assuming complete free fall, i.e. no air resistance) does not experience a gravitational field. Suppose you are in a box and are dropped from a great height above the Earth. You want to test if you are moving. (Rather, you want to test if you are accelerating. Special relativity tells us we cannot test for absolute motion. Assuming a gravitational field that is sufficiently constant in a sufficiently small region of spacetime, the question of absolute motion is meaningless.) So you fire a laser from one side of the box to the other. If you are accelerating, the laser will appear to "curve." If you are in free fall, however, the photons from the laser will hit exactly where the laser is pointed. This is exactly the behavior of a laser one would expect moving at constant velocity in flat spacetime (i.e. no gravity). We then Lorentz transform to a motionless frame (the rest frame of the box). Thus free fall is in a sense equivalent to being stationary in a gravity-free spacetime.