[Physics] Is gravitational force affected by intervening medium


If we leave a iron ball and feather into the water, feather returns to the surface and floats or moves into the water slowly. On the other hand, iron ball (of certain mass greater than mass of feather) moves into the water directly. Here, both iron ball and feather are accelerated towards the earth to the same extent. Then why does feather moves slowly into the water than iron ball? Shouldn't they reach the earth at the same time.

If we assume that water medium is making the feather to accelerate to lesser extent than iron ball, then doesn't it mean gravitational force is affected by intervening medium?

Similarly if we consider a feather and iron ball to be left from certain height, I hope iron ball reaches the earth first and then feather. The reason I think is because of air resistance, doesn't this mean air medium or intervening medium is affecting gravitational force?

We know that gravitational force is not affected by intervening medium, but it is contrary to the above situations. Is it that gravitational force is affected by intervening medium?

I might have misunderstood sometimes, if so, pardon me and explain.

Best Answer

Your thought experiment of dropping an iron ball and a feather need not be in water; in fact, it is more commonly considered in air, but the pertinent facts are the same.

All objects, regardless of their mass or composition, are accelerated identically by gravity.

But within a particular medium, the acceleration of particular objects might be impeded by greater resistance than that of other objects. In ordinary air, your feather will fall more slowly than an iron ball, because of air resistance.