[Physics] Is free expansion adiabatic


In free expansion the system is thermally isolated so $\Delta Q = 0$ throughout the process. This implies that process is adiabatic and follows its equation:

$$P_1V_1^\gamma = P_2 V_2^\gamma$$

But since inital and final temperature is same

$$P_1 V_1 = P_2 V_2$$

Both equations can only hold when $V_1 = V_2$. But that is clearly false. How do I resolve this paradox?

Best Answer

The equation




Is for a reversible adiabatic process. The free expansion is an irreversible process.


Only defines the end points at equilibrium for an ideal gas. It is not the same as


which describes an isothermal process, the path between the end points. The path between the end points is not defined for a free expansion.

Bottom line: A free expansion in an insulated system is adiabatic, but it is not reversible adiabatic.

Hope this helps.

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