[Physics] Is floating in space similar to falling under gravity

equivalence-principlefree fallnewtonian-gravitynewtonian-mechanics

In the case there is no air and your eye are closed,

then does falling from the sky under gravity have the same feeling as floating in space? Can our body feel that we are accelerating without the air hitting us.

If not how are they different?

Also are free fall and zero g the same thing cause when we are falling freely we are accelerating at g towards earth then why would it be called "zero g"?

Best Answer

Yes, they feel the same, and this observation is fundamental to how we think of gravity. Einstein said that not only do they feel the same, they are the same: movement under gravity alone is the same thing as movement under no force at all. The name for this assumption is the equivalence principle, and it underlies General Relativity: because we know that things experiencing no force at all move in straight lines through spacetime, we also know that things moving under gravity alone move in straight lines through spacetime, and this works because what gravity does is to curve spacetime, so that 'straight lines', which are now called geodesics, have properties which straight lines in a flat spacetime do not have, such as intersecting more than once.

To be slightly more precise about this: there is (in GR) no local distinction between movement under gravity alone and movement under no force at all: because gravity distorts (curves) spacetime, there are experiments you can do which are not local which will tell you whether you are moving under gravity or under no force. Geometrically, these experiments consist of establishing whether straight lines have the properties you would expect in a flat spacetime or whether they have properties you would expect in a curved spacetime; physically the experiments consist of detecting 'tidal forces' which are forces which cause two separated objects (the being separated is what makes the experiment non-local), initially at rest relative to each other, to want to move away or towards each other over time.

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