[Physics] Is electromagnetic vector field a sum of E and B

classical-electrodynamicselectromagnetismfield-theorypotentialVector Fields

I have a hard time to fully understand (classical) electromagnetic field theory with respect to Helmholtz's decomposition. Let me start from Helmholtz's theorem:

Any vector field of class $C^{\infty}$ in $R^3$ can be docomposed into sum of >two other fields: one curl-free and one divergence free.


but (due to some vector operator identities) we can rewrite $F_1$ and $F_2$ to

$\bf{F_1}=-\nabla F_3$



$F_3$,$\bf{F_4}$ are scalar and vector fields respectively

Now going to electrodynamic we know that in stationary case




It fits very well so we can write that electromagnetic field is equal


or can we? Why in none of my books nor in the net there is written that EM field is just $\bf{E+B}$? For example wikipedia states that EM is combination of $\bf{E}$ and $\bf{B}$. Yes, of course it is combination (from Maxwell equations) but that is not precise statement. Obviously nowhere I could find any equation for EM field (treated as one single vector field).

So, can someone please elaborate what this EM field is with respect to $\bf{E}$ and $\bf{B}$ in the context of Helmholtz decomposition?

Best Answer

Let me try this more clearly than the other answers, which aren't wrong. You ask:

So, can someone please elaborate what this EM field is with respect to $\vec E$ and $\vec B$ in the context of Helmholtz decomposition?

There is no "EM field in the context of Helmholtz decomposition". Helmholtz just says that every vector field $\vec V$ is decomposable as curl and gradient of two other fields, i.e.

$$\vec V = \vec \nabla \phi + \vec \nabla \times \vec A $$

You can do this for the electric or the magnetic field, of course, but this isn't particularly enlightening as to the nature of "the EM field". A field should behave nicely under transformations, and special relativity with its action on the electric and magnetic fields shows us that we should not add them together, but seek a quantity that transforms nicely under Lorentz transformations instead:

"The electromagnetic field" is equivalently the gauge four-potential $A$ (consisting of the scalar electrostatic potential in the temporal and the magnetic vector potential in the spatial entries) or its derivative, the field strength tensor $F = \mathrm{d}A$. Electric and magnetic fields become part of the tensor as \begin{align} F^{0i} & = E^i \\ F^{ij} & = \sum_k\epsilon^{ijk}B^k \end{align} This is "the EM field", but it has nothing to do with Helmholtz decomposition, since electromagnetism is properly looked at in the four-dimensional setting of special relativity, for which only the general Hodge decomposition may be applied, of which Helmholtz is a special case, but even this has nothing to do with it.

This EM field acts on the four-velocity, reproducing the Lorentz force by

$$ \frac{\mathrm{d}p}{\mathrm{d}t} = q F(u)$$

where $u$ is the four-velocity, and $(F(u))_\mu = F_{\mu\nu}u^\nu$.

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