[Physics] Is centripetal acceleration almost perpendicular to velocity or it is exactly perpendicular to velocity


In all the derivations of centripetal acceleration that I have seen so far, the direction of acceleration is said to be perpendicular to velocity but I think it's not exactly perpendicular to velocity rather it is a bit slanted away (almost perpendicular) to it.

Here's why I think so, as we all know that motion in mutually perpendicular direction are always independent of each other so we can say:

  • If the Centripetal acceleration ( say $a_c$ ) is perpendicular to $u$ then after a small interval of time $\delta t$ the resultant velocity $$
    \vec{v}=u \hat{i}+a_{c} \delta t \hat{j}

    where $\hat{i}$ and $\hat{j}$ represents the perpendicular directions one along $u$ and other along $a_c$.

But the point to note here is that the magnitude of the velocity will increase in the above scenario and the only way to keep the speed same is when $a_c$ is slightly slanted to $u$.

Is there something missing in my reasoning?

Best Answer

Is there something missing in my reasoning ?

Yes. You are treating the velocity as though it were constant over a finite time and it is not. The velocity varies over time and can only be treated as constant over an infinitesimal time. But infinitesimals do not work the way you wrote.

Since $|\vec v|=\sqrt{\vec v^2}=\sqrt{\vec v \cdot \vec v}$ we can write: $$d|\vec v|=|\vec v + d\vec v|-|\vec v|$$ $$ = \sqrt{\left(\vec v + d \vec v \right)^2} - \sqrt{ \vec v^2}$$ the products of infinitesimals drop out and we have $$ = \sqrt{\vec v^2 + 2 \vec v \cdot d\vec v} - \sqrt{\vec v^2}$$ we can series expand the first radical to get $$ = \sqrt{\vec v^2} + \frac{\vec v \cdot d\vec v}{\sqrt{\vec v^2}} - \sqrt{\vec v^2}$$ $$d|\vec v|=\hat v \cdot d\vec v$$ So, $d|\vec v|$ can be zero if $d\vec v$ is perpendicular to $\vec v$.

Note, in all of the above derivations the vector $\vec v+ d\vec v$ is obtained from the standard Euclidean vector addition. $\vec v$ is infinitesimally different from $\vec v + d\vec v$ in the usual way.

Edit: for more information on how infinitesimals, differentials and so forth work see: https://people.math.wisc.edu/~keisler/foundations.pdf especially p. 34.

In the above I have made a slight abuse of notation by writing $$dy=y(x+dx)-y(x)$$ instead of the more complete and correct $$dy=\text{st}\left( \frac{y(x+dx)-y(x)}{dx} \right) dx$$ Dividing by $dx$, taking the standard part, $\text{st}$, and multiplying by $dx$ is what removes the products of infinitesimals.

I thought that it was not a major abuse of notation since in other contexts $dx\ne 0$ and $dx^2=0$ is a defining property of infinitesimals, but these basic properties of infinitesimals and differentials may not be understood by all readers.

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