Newtonian Mechanics – Is Any Work Done When Walking in a Circle?


My friend and I were arguing about this and I was wondering if someone out there could settle this for us.

Basically, he and I were walking to buy some stamps. When we were on our return trip he made the assertion that when I returned to my desk, which is where our trip began, I would have accomplished zero "net work". That is, utilizing our admittedly simple understanding of work from Wikipedia:

In physics, a force is said to do work when it acts on a body, and there is a displacement of the point of application in the direction of the force.

when I return to my departure point, that is my desk, the total displacement would be zero and using the definition from Wikipedia that $W = Fd$ and $d$ is displacement, no work was done. Intuitively, I suggested that there were two quantities of work done, one quantity of work from my desk to the shop and one quantity of work from the shop to my desk, but when I look at some decriptions of a displacement vector, I feel like the two displacements may also cancel each other out. Can someone help us sort this out?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Best Answer

The problem is due to unclear meaning of the sentence

I would have accomplished zero "net work".

In a colloquial sense, you did not do any useful work, so someone, perhaps your boss, would evaluate your trip as "you did no work". But in the sense word "WORK" is used in physics, the answer may be different. This is because the sentence "Body A did non-zero work on body B" in physics means that the body $B$ moved while $A$ exerted force on it which had non-zero component in the direction of motion of $B$.

Now, if we take your body as the object $A$ and the ground as the object $B$, there is indeed work done, because the ground moves to your back while you're pushing it there with your feet (you have to push to overcome air resistance). So in this sense, you did work on the ground, and your friend was mistaken.

The total work being zero when object returns to its original position is a situation that occurs when the work is taken as special work due to one special force, for example the gravity force. Then, because for the gravity force $\mathbf F_G$ the integral over every closed path $\gamma$

$$ \oint_\gamma \mathbf F_G \cdot d\mathbf s = 0, $$

the gravity force did zero net work.

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