[Physics] Is Action Always “Locally” Least


In general, I know it's true that the Principle of Least Action is more properly called the Principle of "Stationary" Action. However, there are results which seem to suggest that for sufficiently short trajectories of a physical system, the action is always least. It is only past the "kinetic focus" of the trajectory of a physical system that the action can fail to be minimized. (e.g. When action is not least in Classical Mechanics and When action is not least for orbits in General Relativity). In her recent book "The Lazy Universe: An Introduction to the Principle of Least Action", Jennifer Coopersmith suggests that the Principle of Least Action isn't just a misnomer for these reasons.

In Landau & Lifshitz' books on Mechanics and Classical Field Theory they also say things like this (e.g. "the action must be a minimum for infinitesimal displacements").

I would like to know how general this is. Are there general results which show that the Action is always minimum when considering sufficiently short trajectories (in classical mechanics, classical field theory, general relativity, quantum mechanics, etc.)? What is the best resource which goes in depth about this sort of stuff?

Best Answer

  1. Introduction. It is well-known that the stationary solution to a simple harmonic oscillator (SHO) (with Dirichlet boundary conditions) is not a local minimum but a saddle point beyond the first caustics, i.e. if the lapsed time $$ \Delta t~:=~t_f-t_i~>~ \frac{T}{2}\tag{1} $$ is more than half the period $T$ of the SHO, cf. e.g. my Phys.SE answer here.

  2. OP is essentially asking the following interesting question.

    Question: Given an action with Dirichlet boundary conditions, is for sufficiently short lapsed time $\Delta t\in]0,\epsilon[$ the stationary solution a local minimum?

    Answer: No, not necessarily. A counterexample is a system of infinitely many SHOs, with periods $T_n\to 0$ for $n\to \infty$. For any finite $\Delta t>0$ the highest modes would then be beyond their first caustics, and hence saddle points.

    Such a system can e.g. be realized by a vibrating string of length $L$ with Lagrangian density ${\cal L}~=~\frac{1}{2}(\partial_t\phi^2-\partial_x\phi^2)$, which has infinitely many overtones.