[Physics] Is a 3 LED flashlight brighter than a single LED one? (same LEDs, same power through each LED)


Say I have one LED in a flashlight, it produces some light.

Now, if I have 3 of those LEDs in the same flashlight, each LED receiving the same amount of energy than the single LED was receiving in the model described above (thus producing, individually, the same amount of light), will I get (perceive) more light? Will it be brighter? (considering the 3 LEDs very close to each other, same direction, etc.)

Quickly said: does the perceived light "sum up"?

Best Answer

Remember that the intensity is proportional to the square of the electric field. So if the three electric fields add up, then the combined intensity will increase not by a factor of 3, but a factor of 9. However, in practice the three electric fields are unlikely to be in phase with each other. Further they are also unlikely to point in the same direction. In addition, the possibility also exists that they are all of same magnitude and point at $120^{o}$ in which case they would exactly cancel each other out. So the intensity could actually be anything between 0 to 9 times the individual intensities. This is with regard to the instantaneous intensity, the intensity at a particular instant of time. The intensity which we actually perceive as humans would be the time averaged intensity( The human eye cannot perceive fluctuations more than 20 Hz and visible light frequency is much higher than that.) So we would have to compute the time averaged intensity(square of electric field) over one time period. $$I = \frac{1}{T}\int_{0}^{T}(\vec{E_1(t)} + \vec{E_2(t)} + \vec{E_3(t)})^2dt$$ Because of their dependence on sines and cosines only terms which have squares of these functions would contribute and rest would be zero and so this would work out to be exactly 3 times the intensity of an individual lamp. So it turns out that they do add up - but this cannot have been concluded a priori the math would need to have been worked out.

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