Quantum Mechanics – Interpretation of the Wave Function Explained

quantum mechanicswavefunction

I just started watching the coursera lectures on the basics of quantum mechanics and one of the first lectures were on deriving Schrodinger's equation and its interpretation it under Born's interpretation. What I want to ask is what the wave function \begin{equation} \psi({\bf r},t) \end{equation} return and represent. Now I know that
\begin{equation} |\psi({\bf r},t)|^2dxdydz \end{equation} is the probability of finding the quantum particle described by \begin{equation} \psi({\bf r},t) \end{equation} in the volument element \begin{equation} dV = dxdydz \end{equation} at time T. But im not sure what the wave function $\psi$ returns.
Could someone please explain in laymans term the return type of the $\psi$ function and what the lone $\psi$ function represents.

Best Answer

If this were computer science, we might say $\psi$ takes a $d$-tuple of reals ($r$) and another real ($t$) and returns a complex number with the attached unit of $L^{-d/2}$ in $d$ dimensions (with $L$ being the unit of length).1

If you want any more of an interpretation, well then you've already given it: $\psi(r,t)$ is the thing such that $\int_R\ \lvert \psi(r,t) \rvert^2\ \mathrm{d}V$ is the probability of the particle being observed in the region $R$ at time $t$. You can loosely think of it as a "square root" of a probability distribution.

The reason the "square root" interpretation is not quite right, and probably the reason you aren't satisfied with the $\int_R\ \lvert \psi(r,t) \rvert^2\ \mathrm{d}V$ definition, is that any particular instance of $\psi(r,t)$ carries extraneous information beyond what is needed to fully specify the physics. In particular, if we have $\psi_1$ describing a situation, then the wavefunction defined by $\psi_2(r,t) = \mathrm{e}^{i\phi} \psi_1(r,t)$ gives identical physics for any real phase $\phi$.

So the return value of the wavefunction itself is not a physical observable -- one always takes a square magnitude or does some other such thing that projects many mathematically distinct functions onto the same physical state. Even once you've taken the square magnitude, $\lvert \psi(r,t) \rvert^2$ arguably isn't directly observable, as all we can measure is $\int_R\ \lvert \psi(r,t) \rvert^2\ \mathrm{d}V$ (though admittedly for arbitrary regions $R$).

1You can check that $-d/2$ is necessarily the exponent. We need some unit such that squaring it and multiplying by the $d$-dimensional volume becomes a probability (i.e. is unitless). That is, we are solving $X^2 L^d = 1$, from which we conclude $X = L^{-d/2}$.

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