[Physics] Interpolation formula for BCS superconducting gap


In BCS theory, the superconducting gap is given by solving at different temperatures the integral
In textbooks like Tinkham (2nd edition, page 63) and Phillips (Advanced Solid State Physics, page 246) you can find approximate formulas for certain temperature ranges (typically $T\approx T_C$).

In some other references, such as here and here (for the latter, I couldn't find the arxiv version, sorry), it is mentioned an interpolation formula valid in the whole temperature range, that is
$$ \Delta(T)=\Delta_0\tanh (k\sqrt{\frac{T_{C}-T}{T}})$$
with $k=1.74$ or $k=2.2$.

Is there someone who can link a reference to this formula, and how it is obtained?

Best Answer

This interpolation formula agrees with both the high- and zero-temperature limits for $\Delta(T)$: \begin{align} \tag{1}\label{eq1} 1-T/T_c \ll 1 &: \Delta(T)\approx 3.06\, k_B T_c\sqrt{1-T/T_c}\\ \tag{2}\label{eq2} T = 0 &: \Delta_0 = 1.764\, k_B T_c. \end{align}

When $T$ is near $T_c$ the argument of $\tanh$ in the interpolation formula is small so we can approximate $\tanh x \approx x$, giving $\Delta(T) \approx k \Delta_0 \sqrt{T_c/T-1}$. Then to recover \eqref{eq1}, we substitute $k = 1.74$, replace $\Delta_0$ using \eqref{eq2}, and use the fact that $\sqrt{T_c/T-1} = \sqrt{1-T/T_c}$ for $T$ near $T_c$.

At zero temperature, the argument of $\tanh$ in the interpolation function is large such that $\tanh x \approx 1$, giving $\Delta(T = 0) = \Delta_0$ which is just \eqref{eq2}.

As for the choice of $k$, for some strong-coupling superconductors, the prefactor in \eqref{eq2} is larger than 1.76.

Not only does the interpolation formula agree at $T=0$ and $T=T_c$, as stated in the comment above, but it also works near $T_c$.

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