[Physics] Internal resistance problem


A 12V battery has an internal resistance of $2.0\Omega$. A load of variable resistance is connected across the battery and adjusted to have resistance equal to that of the internal resistance of the battery. Find the power dissipated.

The equation for internal resistance is
where $R$ is the resistance in the circuit, $r$ is the internal resistance of the battery and $I$ is the current. We know that $\mathcal{E}=12V$. The sum of internal and external resistance would be $4 \Omega$, seeing as the variable resistor is set to $2 \Omega$, which adds to the already exisiting $2 \Omega$ from the battery.

The equation for power dissipated is


So I substitued the value for $V$ and the value for $R$ to get


This is, however, wrong. Any ideas as to why?

Best Answer

You aren't applying your power equation correctly. You can't just plug in any voltage, current, or resistance.

The equation $P=IV$ gives you the power delivered or dissipated by a single part of the circuit with a potential drop $V$ across it and current $I$ flowing through it.

If you want the total power dissipated in the circuit, you must apply this to each element separately. If just the outer resistance, then only consider this resistor. I will leave this to you.

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