[Physics] internal energy of an elastic band


For a stretched rubber band, it is observed experimentally that the tension $f$ is proportional to the
temperature $T$ if the length $L$ is held constant. Prove that:

(a) the internal energy $U$ is a function of temperature only;

So we have the first law:

dU=T dS+fdL=dQ+dW

The work done on the elastic band is $0$ as it is held at a fixed length.
\implies dU=dQ=dT/C

where $C$ is heat capacity. By integrating we show that $U=T/C+A$ where $A$ is an arbitrary constant of integration.

However I feel my method implies that $TdS=dQ$ as both the length and work are held constant. However I don't think heating up an elastic band is reversible so this cannot be true, which would imply work is done.

Best Answer

You need to first express dS in terms of dT and dL, and then to apply one of the Maxwell equations for the partial derivative of S with respect to L at constant T. This leads to the equation $$dU=C_vdT+\left[f-T\left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial T}\right)_L\right]dL$$If f is proportional to T at constant L, then f must be of the functional form $f=T\alpha(L)$. If we substitute this into the equation for dU, we obtain:$$dU=C_vdT+(\alpha T-\alpha T)=C_vdT$$ So,$$\left(\frac{\partial U}{\partial T}\right)_L=C_v$$and $$\left(\frac{\partial U}{\partial L}\right)_T=0$$The second partial derivative of U with resect to partials of L and T must mathematically be independent of the order of differentiation. So, $$\frac{\partial^2 U}{\partial T \partial L}=\frac{\partial^2 U}{\partial L \partial T}=\left(\frac{\partial C_v}{\partial L}\right)_T=0$$ Therefore, $C_v$ for this material must be a function only of T. And, of course, the same must be true for U.

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