[Physics] Inserting the resolution of identity correctly

hilbert-spaceoperatorsquantum mechanics

In a text on path integrals, I find the following:
\langle q_{j+1}|e^{-i(\hat{p}/2m)\delta t}|q_j\rangle = \int\frac{dp}{2\pi}\langle q_{j+1}|e^{-i(\hat{p}/2m)\delta t}|p\rangle\langle p|q_j\rangle\ .\tag{1}

Shouldn't it be rather:

\langle q_{j+1}|e^{-i(\hat{p}/2m)\delta t}|q_j\rangle = \langle q_{j+1}|e^{-i(\hat{p}/2m)\delta t}\int\frac{dp}{2\pi}|p\rangle\langle p|q_j\rangle\ ?\tag{2}

I would have inserted the resolution of identity as in (2), but then I wouldn't have dared to move the integral past the $e^{-i(\hat{p}/2m)\delta t}$ operator, because in (1), $e^{-i(\hat{p}/2m)\delta t}|p\rangle$ is a function of $p$, namely: $e^{-i(\hat{p}/2m)\delta t}|p\rangle=e^{-ip/2m\delta t}|p\rangle$ (no hat anymore). I am not sure about the interplay of that function of $p$ and the integral. Can someone shed some light on this?

Best Answer

Comments to the question (v1):

  1. The operator $f(\hat{p})$ and the identity operator ${\bf 1}= \int\!\frac{dp}{2\pi}|p\rangle\langle p|$ commute.

  2. The operator $f(\hat{p})$ and the integration $\int\!\frac{dp}{2\pi}$ are independent of each other.

  3. The $q$-ket and the $q$-bra are independent of the integration $\int\!\frac{dp}{2\pi}$.

  4. Of course, if one replaces $f(\hat{p})|p\rangle$ with $f(p)|p\rangle$, it does not make sense to move the function $f(p)$ [and, for that matter, the $p$-ket and the $p$-bra] outside of the $p$-integral.