[Physics] Inductor and Capacitor with a DC supply


Here is a LC circuit with a DC supply.

When the switch is closed at t=0 capacitor behaves as a short circuit while the inductor behaves as an open circuit as the voltage across the inductor immediately jumps to battery voltage.

Now we know that the current in inductor increases while in a capacitor current decreases with respect to time.

I wonder then how the current will overall behave in that circuit as when capacitor is short circuit and inductor is open circuit at t=0 then when current in capacitor decreases then at the same time in inductor it is expected to increase. So what will be the overall shape of the current with respect to time. How will its graph look like and whats the theoratical explaination for that without going into the differential equations ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Assuming that there is no resistance in the circuit the current in the circuit will be given by the equation $I(t) = \mathcal E \sqrt {\frac CL} \sin \omega_0 t$ where $\omega_0 = \sqrt\frac {1}{LC}$.

enter image description here

At all times in your circuit the total voltage must add up to zero.

$$\mathcal E + v_{\rm capacitor} + v_{\rm inductor} = 0 \left [ \Rightarrow \mathcal E + \frac Q C + L \frac {dI}{dt} =0 \right]$$

with the differential equation which you do not wish to be used in brackets.

To try to explain what happens I have drawn a series of time sequenced diagrams with $T = 2 \pi \sqrt{LC}$.

enter image description here

Diagram 1
The instant the switch is closed the current is zero and the voltage across the inductor opposes the applied voltage from the cell because although the current is zero there is a rate of change of current.
There is no charge on the capacitor and so the voltage across the capacitor is zero.

Diagram 2
There is now a current, $i$, in the circuit, the capacitor is charging which I have shown with the plus and minus signs between the "plates" of the capacitor and there is a voltage $v_{\rm C}$ across the capacitor.
However the rate of change of current has decreased so there is now a smaller voltage across the inductor v_{\rm L}$.
As there is a current flowing through the inductor it has energy stored in its magnetic field (shown in red) and there is also energy stored in the electric field produced by the capacitor.
All that energy has come from the cell.

Diagram 3
The current in the circuit reaches a maximum value $I$ and the voltage across the capacitor is now equal in magnitude to the voltage across the cell $\mathcal E$.
At this time the instantaneous rate of change of current is zero and so there is no voltage across the inductor and again the total voltage in the circuit is zero.
Both the inductor and the capacitor have more energy stored in their fields.

Diagram 4
This diagram may surprise you because the voltage across the capacitor is now greater than the voltage across the cell.
This happens because the current which is shown to flow in Diagram 3 cannot stop flowing instantaneously and so the capacitor continues to be charged but with a reduced current $i$ in the circuit.
Note that because the current is now decreasing the voltage across the inductor has reversed polarity and again the total voltage in the circuit is zero.
The inductor has given some of its stored energy but the energy stored in the capacitor is still increasing.

Diagram 5
Eventually the voltage across the capacitor reaches twice the voltage of the cell and current ceases to flow.
The charge on the capacitor is a maximum and so is the energy store within it.
Although there is no current flowing through the inductor there is still an instantaneous rate of change of current which produces a voltage across the inductor equal to the voltage of the cell $\mathcal E$ and so the total voltage in the circuit is still zero.
The inductor has no magnetic field associated with it and so is storing no energy.

Hopefully you will now be able to follow the subsequent diagrams and realise that the diagram after Diagram 8 is Diagram 1 as the whole sequence is repeated (for ever).

Overall in one cycle there is no net energy transfer between the cell and the rest of the circuit.

The voltage across the capacitor is $v_{\rm C} = (-) \mathcal E(1-\cos \omega_0 t)$ and the voltage across the inductor is $v_{\rm L} = (-) \mathcal E\, \cos \omega_0 t$.

If there had been resistance in the circuit then the current would tend to zero as the time tended to infinity with the exact form of the variation of current with time depending on the values of the capacitance, inductance and resistance in the circuit.

You will observe that there is a greater deal of similarity between your circuit and the circuit which was dealt with in this question where the capacitor had an initial charge and there was no cell in the circuit.

Update as a result of a comment from @Alex

To illustrate what happens as the resistance changes I have used a copy of MIT's Circuit Sandbox to produce some current against time graphs for a series LCR circuit with a step input and different values of resistance.
(Note that this Circuit Sandbox did not work for me using Firefox so I used Edge instead).

enter image description here

Critical damping for this circuit occurs when the resistance is $2\Omega$ and the system reaches its steady state (current = zero) without overshoot in the shortest time.


Here are the voltage and current graphs when the resistance is $0.2\Omega$.

enter image description here

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