[Physics] Inductance – Sign convention problem


My problem is with a circuit containing a resistor of suitable resistance $R$ and a solenoid.
Initially, a battery is connected which generated a current in the circuit and at $t=0$, the battery is disconnected from the circuit.

Now I need to find the current as a function of the time $i(t)$, for which I've used Kirchhoff's Voltage Law.

I know that the voltage drop across the resistor is $V=IR$,
and the back EMF induced in the solenoid is $V=-L\frac{di}{dt}$ where $L$ is the self-inductance of the coil.

Now, I don't know how to determine the sign of voltage across the solenoid while traversing the loop. I mean, whether it's positive or negative..?

Best Answer

Actually, for electric circuits, the voltage across an inductor is

$v_L = L \dfrac{di_L}{dt}$

By the passive sign convention, the inductor current enters the terminal that is the more positive when $v_L>0$.

Here's what you do. Pick a direction for the inductor current by drawing an arrow pointing into one of the terminals. Label that arrow $i_L$. Now, place a plus sign at the terminal the current enters and a minus sign at the other terminal. This is the polarity of the inductor voltage $v_L$.

By the formula above, if the inductor current is increasing with time, $v_L>0$. If the inductor current is decreasing with time, $v_L < 0$.

enter image description here

You can't pick the "wrong" direction or polarity. The signs will take care of themselves.

Is you problem similar to this one?

enter image description here

When the switch has been in position 2 for a long time, the series electric current is constant and clockwise through the resistor, inductor, and source. Since there is only one current, the series current, let's just label that $i$ and have the arrow pointing into the left end of the resistor.

According to the passive sign convention, the polarity of our voltage variables, $v_R, v_L$ have the positive sign at the left end of the resistor and the top end of the inductor.

Since the current is constant, $v_L = 0$, thus $i=E/R$ and $v_R = E$ for $t<0$.

If at $t=0$ the switch is (instantaneously) changed to position 1, The current through the inductor must be same at $t=0+$ as at $t=0-$, i.e., the current through the inductor is continuous.

With the same current as before, the voltage across the resistor $v_R(0+) = E$. But now, this means that $v_L(0+) = -E$ by KVL (sum of voltage drops around a closed loop is zero). This implies that the current through the inductor is decreasing (negative time rate of change) which is what you should expect!

We have the initial condition, $i(0+) = E/R$, and the form of $i(t)$ is the well known decaying exponential:

$i(t) = \dfrac{E}{R}e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}}, \tau = \dfrac{L}{R}, t>0$

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