[Physics] Induced emf problem


This is not homework question,just a thought experiment about a general question i have about induction. Let's suppose that we have a closed circuit with only two resistors in series.We also have a changing magnetic flux going through the circuit(we do not care about exact numbers here).
As we know,this produces an emf due to induction(changing magnetic flux causes induced current).
So,we make our calculations and we find that we have an emf=5V(we do not care about its sign because we have already figured out which way the induced current flows with Lenz's law).
The question is,that emf is the potential difference between which two points in the circuit? I mean,when we have an emf in a battery for example,we know that the battery has say 6V and we know that it is the potential difference between its two ends.So,in this case,between which two points is the induced potential difference?

Best Answer

Electric fields produces a difference of potential on two points with different distances of the field source. Magnetic fields induces current on a closed loop if the loop is not on parallel in relation of the lines of field and the magnitude of the field does have to change (you have to have a flux).

If you have a magnetic field interfering on your circuit, you will have a constant inducted current flowing on it (which depends of its magnitude, the radius of your circuit and the tax of change of your field). So, the voltage drop will only depend of where is the point you are measuring, since it will depends of only the resistance between that two points. (Ohm's law - constant current)

If you have an electrical field interfering on your circuit, you will have a change of voltage on your circuit which will depends of the distance of the electrical field and also the distance between two points. So you have only to know the magnitude of the field at the two points you chose and the distance between them.

To consider both effects you have only to sum them.

God already stated all EM effects on four simple equations.

Also, we have an Electrical Engineering SE on which probably you will get more (and better) answers of related questions.