[Physics] In which direction does friction from the ground act on the wheel


When a bicycle wheel is in motion, many forces are acting on it. The sum of the forces results in forward
motion. In which direction does friction from the ground act on the wheel?
enter image description here

Best Answer

Depends on the motion of the wheel, the direction of the friction force could be different. Remember the friction force from the ground is the only external force acted on the wheel (Ignore air resistance), 1) If the wheel is accelerating forward, the friction force will be pointing forward. 2) If the wheel is moving forward with a constant velocity, the friction force is zero (if air resistance is included, the friction force will be pointing forward, with the magnitude exactly canceling the air resistance). 3) If the wheel is slowing down,the friction force will be pointing backward.

Also, the external gravity and normal force are irrelevant in this problem.