[Physics] In evaporative cooling does the water and the air both cool down? Wouldn’t that violate energy conservation


I remember the explanation of a swamp cooler is that it exploits the heat of vaporization of water. The air passing over the water gives up energy enough to evaporate some of the water thus the air is cooled and conditioned with extra water. However the explanation for sweating that I just saw on khan academy seems to contradict that. So basically khan draws a picture of some sweat droplets and a zoomed in version with some hydrogen bonded water. He goes into an explanation of average kinetic energy of the molecules being the temperature, so if one of the moleucles near the surface of the droplet has a way above average energy it can break the hydrogen bond and overcome the air pressure and "evaporate." But in that picture the energy of the water is reduced by simply removing one molecule with higher kinetic energy, and thus the average kinetic energy is reduced. How can the sweat cool down, and the air in a swamp cooler cool down? Are they different processes?

Best Answer

The air plays a different role in each situation. With the swamp cooler, the warm air is what warms up the water, allowing it to evaporate more quickly and transfer thermal energy out of the air and use it to drive the phase change. Both the air and the water cool down by virtue of the fact that the air gave energy to the water, and the water lost thermal energy by changing phase. With sweating, the body warms the sweat, allowing it to evaporate. Basically, the air in the swamp cooler example corresponds to the skin in the sweating example, and the water is the same in each. Overcoming the hydrogen bonds is the same thing as exploiting the heat of vaporization of water. It doesn't violate conservation of energy because so much energy goes into the phase change.