[Physics] In a circuit having one resistor why do the electrons lose all their potential energy across that resistor and not do so if there are many resistors

electric-circuitselectrical-resistanceelectricitypotential energyvoltage

In a simple circuit which consists of a battery and one resistor, why do electrons lose all their potential energy across this one resistor regardless of the magnitude of the voltage or the resistance? Why is the voltage drop of this one resistor equal the voltage of the battery?

If there is more than just one resistor in series then in the first resistor happens a voltage drop which is not equal to the voltage of the battery. The electrons don't lose all their potential energy across the first voltage. it seems that the resistor knows that there is another resistor after it so it doesn't eat all the electrons' potential and leaves some potential for the next one. Why does this happen?

Best Answer

It has to do with the definition of electrical potential, or voltage. The potential difference $V$ between two points is defined as the work per unit charge required to move the charge between the two points with units of Joules/coulomb.

As charge Q moves through resistance connected to the terminals of a battery the battery does work of $QV$ to move the charge between the terminals against the electrical resistance of the circuit, and the charge loses potential energy in the form of heat dissipated in the resistors.

For the same voltage across the battery terminals$^1$, the same amount of work will be done and the same loss of potential energy will occur, regardless of the number of resistors connected in series across the terminals. If you have multiple resistors in series, the same total loss in potential energy will simply be divided up among the resistors in proportion to the voltage drop (drop in potential) across each resistor.

The above said, the amount of resistance between the terminals does affect the rate of loss of potential energy for a given voltage (rate of work done per unit charge, or power). The greater the resistance, the lower the rate .

you said "For the same voltage across the battery terminals, the same amount of work will be done and the same loss of potential energy will occur, regardless of the number of resistors connected in series across the terminals" I know that this is true but why how can this be true ?

Maybe it will help if I give you a gravitational potential energy analogy. You know that the difference in gravitational potential between two points depends only on gravitational potential (gravitational potential energy per unit mass),or $gh$ where $h$ is the vertical distance between the points. The difference in electrical potential energy depends only on the electrical potential, $V$, between the two points. Let the atmospheric air consist of air "resistors" between two vertically separated points. Let these air "resistors" be analogous to our electrical resistors.

Now Let's say an object is dropped from some altitude above the surface of the earth greater than a height $h$ and it encounters air resistance. By the time it reaches a height $h$ let's say it has reached its terminal velocity due to air friction and its velocity becomes constant, like the average drift velocity of charge that defines current. Let the acceleration due to gravity be a constant, $g$. At the height $h$ its gravitational potential energy is $mgh$. Think of the air between this height and the ground as now constituting a series of resistors. For each fraction of the total height the object falls it encounters an equal fraction of the total resistance, until it reaches the ground and all of its potential energy is lost (to air friction and kinetic energy(which later dissipates into heating up the ground and sound)).

As an example, call the total air resistance between $h$ and the ground $R_{air}$. Let it consist of two resistors, $\frac{R_{air}}{4}$ representing the resistance falling a height $\frac{h}{4}$ and the second resistance be $\frac{3R_{air}}{4}$ for the final falling height of $\frac{3h}{4}$.

In this example the loss of potential energy in the first air "resistor" is $\frac{mgh}{4}$ and the loss of potential energy in the second "resistor" is $\frac{3mgh}{4}$ for a total potential energy loss of $mgh$. The total loss of potential energy is dissipated as heat due to air friction.

How does the first air "resistor" know that there is a second air resistor so that it does not "eat up" all the gravitational potential energy? It doesn't, nor does it need to. The loss of gravitational potential energy depends only on the difference in gravitational potential between two points and it doesn't matter what is between the two points. If there were no air, the loss in gravitational potential energy would be the same. The difference is that loss will equal the increase in kinetic energy of our object rather than be dissipated as heat due to air resistance.

Hope this helps.